
NARC recognises the right that people have to participate in the life of their communities through volunteering. It also acknowledges that volunteers contribute in many ways, that their contribution is unique, and that it can benefit users of services, staff, local communities and the volunteers themselves. NARC values the contribution made by volunteers, and is committed to working in ways which are encouraging, supportive and which develop volunteering.


  • Will attempt to use volunteers’ skills, knowledge and experience in a way that will meet both the volunteer’s and organisation’s needs.


  • All volunteers will participate in the NARC project with a responsibility to themselves and the organization.


Recruitment and selection

  • The organisation is committed to equal opportunities and believes that volunteering should be open to all regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, ability, religion and political beliefs. Individuals applying to become volunteers will be appointed in accordance with the organisation’s selection procedure.
  • Volunteering opportunities will be advertised as widely as possible in places that are accessible to all members of the community.
  • Volunteers will be selected on their suitability for the volunteering task, matching their skills, talents and interests with the organisation’s needs.
  • Volunteers who are considered unsuitable for a particular task will be offered if possible alternative voluntary work within the organisation.
  • Volunteers carrying out underwater Clean-ups will be asked to provide evidence of their dive qualifications, experience and carry third party dive insurance.


Training and personal development

  • All new volunteers will be welcomed to the organisation and will be provided with training in how to use clean-up equipment and provided with site specific dive briefings
  • The organisation will be responsible for ensuring the volunteer is properly prepared for the work and that arrangements for support and training are in place.
  • Support, supervision and rewards
  • Where funding allows volunteers may be reimbursed for all out-of-pocket expenses e.g air fills. The rate of reimbursement will be agreed by the management committee and must be agreed in advance of undertaking the task.


Volunteers’ rights and responsibilities

The organisation believes volunteers have the right to:

  • know what is expected of them
  • be shown appreciation
  • have a safe work environment
  • be insured
  • know what their rights and responsibilities are
  • be paid expenses wherever possible
  • be trained
  • be free from discrimination
  • be provided with opportunities for personal development

The organisation expects volunteers to:

  • be reliable
  • be honest
  • respect confidentiality
  • make the most of training and support opportunities
  • carry out tasks in a way that reflects the aims of the organisation and follow the constitution