
The environmental objectives of NARC are:

  • To carry out our activities in an environmentally responsible manner, with awareness of our impact on the environment.
  • To carry out education, training and awareness raising through presentations, the media, leaflets and website so that others understand the importance of reducing their impact on the environment.
  • To be aware of and to follow all current environmental legislation and ensure all volunteers and participants are fully aware of NARC’s environmental policy.

Specifically we aim in all our work to implement the following: 

  • Foster a caring/guardianship approach to nature through our volunteer activities, educational projects and training.
  • To carry out clean-up dives with due care to the habitat and wildlife it supports and to release trapped/entangled marine organisms where possible.
  • To adhere to a strict no take policy when carrying out any diving activities.
  • Recycle all collected items where possible.

Our full Environmental Policy is here.